Time Tunnel

This installation is part of Borneo Laboratory Design and Make Summer School Program in collaboration with CanopyU Online Design Institute.

Installation Concept: Time Tunnel - Unfolding the Storyscape

Workshop Participants: Jia Yin Zhi, Xiao Jin, Wan Yi Chen, Ying Ying Hu, Naysan Foroudi

Mentor: Wendy Teo

Design and Make Venue Sponsor: Borneo 744

Collective Story Telling Engagement Period: 25th of July-3rd of August, 2019

Apart from its tangibles, city is in fact built with a collective of memories. Our Time tunnel installation is setup in the middle of carpenter street to capture these memories input from locals and passer-by. In our first phase of the study- Kuching City Mapping process, we learned a lot of interesting histories and details that were previously unaware of by most locals. Inspired by the survey process from the beginning, we wish to turn this conversational process into a public one by having more people contributing their stories to our time tunnel installation.



Borneo Laboratory X CanopyU Summer School Workshop 2019

 Workshop Participants: Jia Yin Zhi, Xiao Jin, Wan Yi Chen, Ying Ying Hu, Naysan Foroudi


City is a manifold of tangibles and intangibles. Led by UK architect Wendy Teo (RIBA/ARB), this experimental drawing workshop explores Collaborative Drawing as an instrument to unfold the unseen fabrics of Kuching city.  

In ‘Invisible Cities’ written by Italo Calvino, Marco Polo narrated the story of Venice City to Kublai Khan with 55 fictitious cities that characterised with variety of landscapes, features, events, desires, symbols, and memory.  Inspired by the narrative framework of ‘Invisible Cities’, the workshop participants were required to observe, research, narrate and depict Kuching streetscape with the stories they unravelled through their interaction with the city.

This 7-day city mapping workshop demanded students to be attentive to the details, conversational to the local residents and explorative with the unknown spatial territories or histories.  By the end of the workshop, participants consolidated their findings of the city in a drawing with a size of 1.2m * 3.68m. 

The Anatomy of Crafts Practice

The Anatomy of Crafts Practice