Pan Borneo Road Trip

Pan Borneo Road Trip

After series of internal discussions, we decided to do a pan Borneo road trip across Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah and then to Kalimantan in 2017 March. This trip will be coupled with series of interviews and visits. We will be documenting them through writing, images, audios and videos.


Why are we doing this?


For last half year, we had so many wonderful conversations with individuals and organisations. We always trying our best to feature the story with a non bias, neutral and in-depth approach. It was just for answering simple question like:


Who are we? What could we do? What need to be done?


But not all the content could be covered through the current mechanism we have due to our own limited level of commitment ( this platform is run through volunteer basis) What do we need from you folks? We don't want to pretend we know everything about Borneo. But we are here to find out, as a collective, together with your inputs and suggestion. We are more than happy to receive your suggestion on who to interview, what to focus on in different part of Borneo.

Please leave your suggestion below or send private message to us borneoartcollective@gmail.com

Ropuhan di Tanak Wagu

Ropuhan di Tanak Wagu

Iban Dream

Iban Dream