Narratives of Soil _ Phase I - Forum

Narratives of Soil _ Phase I - Forum

Narratives of Soil_Live Forum Thursday April 1st 2021

Hosted by Wendy Teo and Eliza Collin

The process of working with soil is a humbling one and a time in which all involved learn more about their landscape. The material narrates, buildings and objects that use soil take on its meaning, promoting a language of indignity. In this forum, we are interested in exploring the vocabulary of soil through the eyes of ancient and emerging practitioners. Join us on the 1st April to take part in this collective review spanning the globe. Through comparative study we will get to see what soil can reveal to us, contextualising our landscape in relation to what it has been through. In a time when climate change is affecting the entire planet, global connections using familiar materials are important when exploring solutions.

Hosted by Wendy Teo and Eliza Collin

The process of working with soil is a humbling one and a time in which all involved learn more about their landscape. The material narrates, buildings and objects that use soil take on its meaning, promoting a language of indignity. In this forum, we are interested in exploring the vocabulary of soil through the eyes of ancient and emerging practitioners. Join us on the 1st April to take part in this collective review spanning the globe. Through comparative study we will get to see what soil can reveal to us, contextualising our landscape in relation to what it has been through. In a time when climate change is affecting the entire planet, global connections using familiar materials are important when exploring solutions.

Unknown Fields Division

Unknown Fields (UK/AU) is a nomadic design research studio directed by Kate Davies and Liam Young. They venture out on expeditions into the shadows cast by the contemporary city, to uncover the industrial ecologies and precarious wilderness its technology and culture set in motion.

Sean T Ross

Sean T Ross is a multidisciplinary designer interested in exploring the intersection of nature and technology and how we can create a symbiotic relationship between the two. Within my work I look at emerging scientific developments and, using design as a tool, create sustainable interventions that stimulate conversation, and even ignite action, around how we can build a brighter future.

Sean’s Soil Battery Workshop Collaboration with Narratives of Soil

Erez Nevi Pana

A vegan and passionate animal rights activist, Erez Nevi Pana’s practice is based on investigating natural phenomena and environmental processes through material exploration.

I Yao Chuang

I Yao Chuang is also a promoter of environmental education, he believes natural building can enable people to establish the connection between people and nature through their bodily experience with it.

Thom Bindels

Thom Bindels is a design researcher looking to restore the human relation to ecological processes. As a starting point Thom focusses on our natural surrounding and finds possibilities through collaboration with people from a variety of fields. Through a hands on process he aims to create a holistic solution that can have a place in the complexity of the world we live in.

Aayushi Bajpayee

Aayushi Bajpayee’s research is focused on the development of sustainable chemistry solutions to pressing global problems. Her areas of research include sustainable material development, produced water treatment, soil stabilisation for automated construction, environmentally-safe alternatives to concrete, and carbon capture.


For more information please email either elizalicollin@gmail.com or wendyteobt@gmail.com

Follow our progress on @narratives_of_soil

Listen to our podcasts on Spotify

Narratives of Soil _ Project Review

Narratives of Soil _ Project Review

Narratives of Soil - Podcast I - I Yao Chuang (Taiwan)

Narratives of Soil - Podcast I - I Yao Chuang (Taiwan)